BloodSoil | es

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"Awake, open your eyes and gaze at the world decay. We have the doubtful luck to contemplate the end of an era, the murder of nature and the human soul. To stand alone in a ruined world, our only companions are solitude and nostalgia that yearns for what never happened. A new spiritual archetype could be our last hope, a superior being as the only way to avoid the total destruction."

BloodSoil began in 2010 as a experimental concept which captures a particular world vision. Motivated by the sinking boat where we live, BloodSoil bases his sound in an oppressive and martial atmosphere, focusing in the exaltation of Tradition and Spirituality as the only cure for Modern World.

Aeon - Words, music and graphic art.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Julius Evola, Ezra Pound, Céline, Francis Parker Yockey, Marinetti, Oswald Spengler among many others... .

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