Abberation | es

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Abberation is the solo act of South African born artist & producer Christiaan Brandt, now based in the UK. His music is mainly daytime orientated and guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Abberation is no stranger in the Trance world, going to events since 1996 and DJ’ing since 1998 as he started in Cape Town where Psytrance was being established at the time.

During 1998, he started DJ’ing in and around Cape Town and got residency at several Clubs and events, including his own events, but it wasn’t enough and Christiaan started producing the Abberation sound in 2001. At the same time he studied Sound Engineering at an institute in Cape Town.

He has performed at several parties & festivals in and around Cape Town e.g. Getafix, Alien Safari, Soulclipse Festival Farewell, Organifix, Mandorla, Mind Cultivation, to name a few.

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