Chabad Rap | de

Chabad Rap is a reference to Hasidic Rap, not always Exclusive to ether Chabad branch of Hasidism.

The Word Chabad come from the Three Hebrew letters
Chet, Dalet and Bet.


#1.Chet for Chochmah/Wisdom.

#2. Dalet for Daat/Knowledge.

#3. Bet for Binah/Understanding.

Lubavitcher Chabad the more Well know Chabad Hasidim is generally what is meant when the word Chabad is used. Most every Chabad Trademark is Lubavitcher. You can visit Lubavitcher Hasidim at Chabad.Org, Matisyahu the Jewish Reggae singer is a Cantor from the greater Lubavitcher side of Chabad. This is also considered a more 'Emotional Beat Tag' to Use as is not always involved in pure singing but in most cases it is a Rap reference combined with Hasidism more or less Chabad Hasidism.

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