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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) An Australian heavy metal group (1994-present). 2) A U.S. based experimental rock trio (1996-present). 1) Since their inception more than 15 years ago Dreadnaught have established themselves as a cornerstone for Australian heavy rock audiences. The city Dreadnaught call home, Melbourne Australia, has spawned several “next big things” over the last decade. But as genres and bands come and go Dreadnaught never fail to provide their loyal fans, both old and new, with diverse offerings that are rooted in the brand of Australian rock and metal that the band have...
Dreadhead is another alias of Sam Thomsitt, better known to the UK Hardcore community as Euphoria or V.A.G.A.B.O.N.D. on the Blatant Beats/Next Generation labels. .
Dread Zeppelin ist eine US-amerikanische Band (gegründet 1989), die durch ihre Coverversionen der Songs von Led Zeppelin in einem Reggae Style und gesungen von dem Elvis Presley Imitator Tortelvis (Greg Tortell) bekannt wurde. Nach etlichen neuen CD-Veröffentlichungen haben Sie auch andere Musikrichtungen in ihr Programm mit aufgenommen. Für den Led Zeppelin Sänger Robert Plant ist Dread Zeppelin die beste Led Zeppelin Cover-Band. .