Sursum corda ✚ | de

Les Jumeaux Discordants is a project born in 2005 by the union of two pre-existent projects: The Last Hour by Roberto Del Vecchio and Aimaproject. The first is a musical project born in 2004; the second is born in 1996 and it works in various expressive fields: poetry, photography and multimedia. So, Les Jumeaux Discordants project presupposes a strong interaction between poetry, image and music. There’s even a bent for the cinematographic transposition of the visionary poems, about the various range of the human feelings. Nevertheless, Les Jumeaux Discordants is ascension, it is the coscience of earthly, a coscience which...
After an unpretentious start, the Banda de Pau e Corda became acknowledged as a competent group based on folklore research. Moving to São Paulo in 1973, they recorded the LP Vivência (RGE). The homonymous show was staged in Recife, in all Northeastern capitals, and in the Teatro Municipal (Santo André, São Paulo). In 1975, they recorded their second album, Redenção (RCA), staged the Homonymous show, and another one by the name Alegoria, with texts by renowned Northeastern poets and writers. They presented the shows in Recife, Fortaleza, and in the universities of Rio de Janeiro. They released nine other LPs...
Costa Cordalis (eigentlich Konstantinos Cordalis) (* 1. Mai 1944 in Elatia (Ελάτεια) in der griechischen Präfektur Fthiotida) ist ein deutschsprachiger Schlagersänger. Werdegang Mit sieben Jahren begann Cordalis Gitarre zu spielen. Als 16-Jähriger ließ er sich in Frankfurt am Main nieder und lernte am Goethe-Institut die deutsche Sprache. Nach dem Abitur begann er ein Studium der Philosophie und Germanistik. Bereits 1965 kam mit „Du hast ja Tränen in den Augen“, einer deutschen Fassung des Elvis Presley-Titels „Crying In The Chapel“, seine erste Schallplatte heraus. Nennenswerten Erfolg hatte er aber erst ab 1973 mit den selbst produzierten Titeln „Carolina, komm“ und „Steig...
Discordance Axis was a grindcore band with high-pitched screaming & low grunted vocals, blast beat style drumming and often technical fast-paced guitar work. The band was founded in 1992. Rather than taking the normal route of releasing Demos, DA instead recorded a multitude of limited edition split albums, though rehearsal tapes and demos were released later on various compilation sets. Some of these have such poor sound quality that they just sound like blasts of noise, whereas later releases like The Inalienable Dreamless have very clear production which revealed the complexity of the guitar riffs. They split up in 2003...
Gefunden 53 Lieder, Dauer: 04:07:48
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
Sursum Corda
Sursum Corda, Op. 11
Sursum corda
Sursum Corda!
Sursum corda
Vision IV: Sursum Corda
Sursum Corda Op. 13
Sursum corda
Sursum corda!
Sursum Corda
Sursum corda
Sursum corda Op.11
Радуйся, Мария
Sursum Corda, op. 11
Te necesito
Sursum Corda Satana
Пречистая Діва
Без названия
F. Liszt / Sursum corda
F. Liszt / Sursum corda
En Busca Del Olvido
Martires De Guerra
Lamet Piotra
Тень гения
Nie lenkajcie sie
Molidwa do Ducha Swientego
Sursum Corda (Evan Cooper Remix)
Hipnotizados Por El Terror
Тень гения
Années de pèlerinage 3: VII. Sursum Corda
Pasion Del Golgotha
Movidos Por El Odio
Anonymous: Sursum corda
Jezus jest z nami tu
Істино Бог полюбив світ
Panie, Ty znasz moje imie
Боже великий Єдиний
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