Gökhan Tepe | de

Georges Teperino (real name: Georges Achille Teperin, 1912-1994) was a French musician & electronic pop pioneer. He usually recorded under the name Nino Nardini. After second world war ended,he began his public apparitions and fully dedicated his personal conductor ability and composer taste to the Spanish and Mexican ethnic and folk-related music, with a hint for exotic percussions. Along with a bunch of former dependable session club musicians he formed the "Nino Nardini Orchestra" in 1951. At the very beginning of the Sixties he entered slowly the new born world of Music Library in France, Europe and Uk, recording mostly...
Born and raised near Stuttgart/Germany,moved to Istanbul/Turkey in 94. One of the founders of Sublime Porte. Producing and spinning records since 99.He produces a combination of minimal dub and oldschool Detroit/Berlin influenced techno. .
Prosumer and Murat Tepeli may have been too young to hustle their way past the “do’ hoe” at Chicago’s warehouse parties in the eighties, but they’re making up for lost time with a vengeance and a whole lot of love. Like the Trax and Relief stacks they clearly hold so dear, their debut album Serenity reeks of dusty synthesizers and basement gear, polished to a 21st century gleam via sleek Euro minimalism. On the face of it, they’re an unlikely pair. Prosumer, aka Achim Brandenburg, is a former graphic designer and Hardwax record buyer (Saarbruecken branch), while Murat Tepeli is...
Gökhan ist der erste Sohn von Hüsmen und Sema Tepe. Er kam am 08.02.1978 in Istanbul auf die Welt. Schon mit 10 Jahre wollte er Sänger werden und ging auf die Istanbul Teknik Uni für türkische Musik und beendete eine "Instrument" Ausbildung. Sein erstes Album belki hüzün belki ask kam 2002 auf den Markt. 5 Jahre später folgt das Album Gel askim gel. Dieses Album wird Gökhans Mega Erfolg. Sein aktuelles neues Album vur kam 2009 auf den Markt und ist ebenfalls sehr beliebt ;) © cansu .
Gefunden 150 Lieder, Dauer: 10:52:38
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