Ferraby Lionheart | de

PROJECT LIONHEART is a Hip-Hop band based out of Seattle. Frontman/MC Caleb Cunningham, who is grounded in Hip Hop music, has recruited a small group of players with backgrounds varying from Punk Rock to West African percussion, in order to create a truly unique form of Hip-Hop music. 2015 Project Lionheart Members: Drums,Vocals,Ableton: Caleb Cunningham. Bass: Chris Brummel. Vocals: Fama Ndiaye. Guitar: Larry Alves. Keys, Vocals: Art Borders. .
FERRABY LIONHEART ist ein Singer/Songwriter, der ursprünglich aus Nashville/Tennessee stammt, heute aber in Los Angeles lebt und wirkt. Sein erstes Album, die selbstbetitelte EP, verkaufte er zunächst im Alleingang auf seiner Homepage. Ein echter "Independent"-Künstler also. Mittlerweile hat das kanadische Label Nettwerk den Vertrieb in die Hand genommen und unterstützt den Songwriter so mit Kapazitäten, die seiner Klasse angemessen sind. .
The fact that the world is teeming with oppositions is blatantly obvious. Sometimes these oppositions cancel each other out in mutual annihilation. Than again sometimes, they exalt each other and accentuate their respective magic and unique natures. Imagine that The Lionheart Brothers are a plant. The roots delve into the ground, while the petals reach for the sky. The roots are firmly thrust into the carnal nature of punk while the petals yearn for the grandeous and heavenly pop. It was upon this foundation that Audun Storset and Marcus Forsgren decided to explore the great and slight mysteries of music...
There are several bands with the name Lionheart: 1) Hailing from the San Francisco Bay area. Lionheart have enough technical ability and metal influence to also appael to a broader range of aggressive music fans. “The Will To Survive” was originally released by Sacramento’s West Coast Worlwide in late 2007, and quickly sold over 1,000 copies with no retail presence or distribution at all, solely via mail order and through the band during their rugged tour schedule. Following in the foot steps of Northern California bands like Hoods and Powerhouse, the band has built an intensely loyal grassroots following. Lionheart’s...