Ronnie Earl , Pinetop Perkins | de

Pearl Jam ist eine US-amerikanische Grungeband, die Anfang der 1990er-Jahre unter anderem zusammen mit Nirvana den Grunge populär machte. Sie ist die einzige der großen Seattle-Bands des Grunge, die seitdem kontinuierlich besteht und Alben produziert. Bandgeschichte Die Anfänge Die ersten musikalischen Versuche unternahmen Stone Gossard und Jeff Ament in der Band Green River. Green River sollten sich jedoch schon bald auflösen. Aus der einen Hälfte der Mitglieder sollten Mudhoney entstehen, aus der anderen (Stone Gossard und Jeff Ament) Mother Love Bone. Noch vor der Veröffentlichung der zwei Studio-Alben Apple und Shine starb der Mother-Love-Bone-Sänger Andrew Wood an einer Überdosis Heroin....
Earl Klugh, gesprochen Kluh, (*16. September 1954 in Detroit) ist ein US-amerikanischer Jazz-Pop-Crossover Gitarrist (Smooth Jazz). Biographie Klugh wuchs in Detroit auf und fand zum Gitarrenspiel, als er mit 13 Jahren im Fernsehen Chet Atkins in der Perry Como-Show sah, ein in seinen eigenen Worten prägender musikalischer Eindruck. Er spielte mit fünfzehn Jahren mit Jazzmusikern wie Yusef Lateef, der ihn in "Bakers Keyboard Lounge" in Detroit zu einer Jam Session einlud und ihn in seinem Album "Suite 16" von 1968 mitwirken ließ; außerdem spielte er damals mit George Shearing. Klugh spielte ab 1973 in der Band von George Benson und...
Korean name: 티어라이너 Tearliner actually started out as a six member band in January of 2004, but before the release of its first album, the group turned into a duo and then a one man band. Tearliner, who also just goes by Liner, born Park Sung-hoon, was never classically trained and doesn’t even read sheet music. His music is influenced by everything he has experienced in life and is classified by some as “Dream Pop,” because his music has a dream-like quality to it. Tearliner was first signed to Pastel Music which was founded in 2003 and was, at the...
The son of American stage and film actor Osgood Perkins and Janet Esseltyn Rane, Anthony "Tony" Perkins (April 4, 1932 - September 12, 1992) followed in his father's footsteps and went on to star in Broadway musicals and dramas, as well as major motion pictures. He was an amazingly versatile actor, but is best known for his role as Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960). Aside from his awesome acting skills, Tony had a fantastic singing voice. He released three albums and his biggest hit single "Moonlight Swim" reached number 24 on the charts. To learn more about Anthony...
There are several bands known as Black Pearl: 1.)The first Black Pearl was from the West Coast. The lead singer was wild showman Bernie "B.B." Fieldings. Though the members of the group were from the Boston area and the band was formed in Boston they left immediately to play in Aspen, Colorado where they were a house band for several months. They moved to San Francisco in 1967. The formation of Black Pearl by Oak OConnor and Geoff Morris was what split up of the Barbarians for whom some of the group had previously played. The group released an album...
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1996 - Eye To Eye (Full Album)