Federation of the Disco Pimp | de

Disco Inferno waren eine Rockband aus London. Musik Die Band gilt neben Bark Psychosis als eine derjenigen, für die von der englischen Musikpresse das Etikett Postrock geschaffen wurde. Dabei lagen ihre Anfänge durchaus im üblichen Bereich „normalen“, wenn auch qualitativ guten Indierocks. Ian Crause, Daniel Gish, Rob Whatley und Paul Willmott gründeten die Band 1989 im Osten Londons. Gish verließ die Band jedoch bald und schloss sich Bark Psychosis an. Die anderen drei Mitglieder tourten lokal vor wenigen Zuschauern und nahmen 1990 bei der kleinen Plattenfirma Che Records ihre erste Single Entertainment auf. Es folgten das Album Open Doors, Closed...
scratchy, noisy and quirky post punk band from croatia .
Disco Dan has remixed many pieces of game music, including songs from the Mega Man series and Zelda Link's Awakening, which can be found on OverClocked ReMix. He has also done a few Donkey Kong Country remixes. .
Under the alias Disco D, Dave was responsible for production on 2 grammy nominated albums and releases totaling 17 million in sales worldwide. As a prodigious 15-year old in Ann Arbor, Dave began his DJ career, representing the burgeoning Ghetto-Tech scene from Detroit. By 16, he was a resident at the local Solar night and by 17, had produced and released his first 12" single. All of this, Dave accomplished before graduating from the University of Michigan's prestigious business school. Dave toured the world many times over as a DJ and was famous for his turntable dexterity and multi-genre sets....