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Sadie ist eine im Februar 2005 gegründete japanische Rockband. Ihr Style kann schon als Visual Kei, ihre Musik als J-Rock bezeichnet werden. Ihre Musik ist eine Mischung aus verzerrten harten Gitarrenriffs, hämmernden Drums, treibendem Bass und melodischen Vocals. Die Fans lieben Sadie wegen ihrer perfekten Balance zwischen Hard Rock und sanften, melancholischen Melodien. Obwohl Sadie oft mit Dir en grey verglichen werden (Ähnlichkeiten sind definitiv vorhanden, stimmlich wie auch soundtechnisch, Dir en grey sind Sadies Vorbilder) haben sie doch eindeutig einen ausgeprägten eigenen Sound. Die Originalbesetzung von Sadie bestand aus Mao (Vocals), Tsurugi und Mizuki (Guitar), Aki (Bass) und Sora...
The story of Sadistik Forest began in summer 2007 when guitarist Antti Heikkinen (ex-Fall of Man, VIHA), inspired by Possessed comeback shows, decided to put together a band that would perform brutal, relentless and unforgiving Death Metal. Text messages were sent to his long time aquintances guitarist Jarkko Lahtinen (Heartburn, ex-Fall of Man), drummer Vesa Mutka (Bjav, Sicknote, ex-Rosemary) and vocalist/bassist Markus Makkonen (Farewell, ex-Entrail Tension Experiment). At this point every beforementioned musician had played metal for over a decade! The band was formed within the same day. Unfortunately Jarkko couldn't find time to continue with the new group, so...
Salamat Sadikova is the best known singer from the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan. Her robust voice, capable of holding notes for a seemingly superhuman duration, brings an earthy dignity to old folk songs and contemporary folk-style compositions. She often accompanies herself on the komuz, a three-stringed lute. .
Sadistic Intent is a Death Metal horde hailing from Los Angeles, CA which was formed in the Fall of 1987. Taking influence by the original Death/Black Metal groups such as Slayer, Possessed, Dark Angel, Destruction, Venom, Sodom, Celtic Frost and so forth. The Cortez brothers went through a few line-ups in order to form the metaphorical puzzle which would articulate their vision into a reality. Setting out to be an onslaught of extreme and obscure Metal, the musical journey began by exploring the newfound boundaries of speed as well as heaviness creating and molding the realm of Sadistic Intent. At...