Jay Stever | de

His real name is Jānis Stībelis. Born year 1976, Ventspils. Started working professionally at the age of 6. Formed his first band in music school, then had more than 10 projects that gained popularity all over the Baltic States. Has released 4 albums ("Don’t Turn Away" in English, with Shake&Bake; "Inspiration" (in English), "Paliec Tepat" (in Latvian)"Lubof Nastala" (in russian)). Leads an active concert life in Baltic States and Russia, also had concerts in the USA, France, Ukraine, UK, Sweden and Germany. Genre: R’n’B/Pop/Soul/Rock/Jazz Official homepage: http://www.jaystever.com/ .
Finally. The wait's over. Jasper Steverlinck's first solo album is out. Don't think this exceptional record to be the product of a plan. It's actually the result of a chain of happy coincidences, culminating into a unique event. If Arid 's singer wouldn't have stepped into an artistic exchange with the Kolacny Brothers, this record would never have been made. He asked the twin pianists to accompany him singing ‘Life on Mars' in Werchter, and they in turn invited him to sing with the youth choir Scala. A whole new world opened up for Jasper, his conception of music—especially music...