Ola Salo | de

The now defunct Reading-based Saloon spent four years quietly building a following among John Peel's indie masses through a string of low-key singles before releasing their debut album (This Is) What We Call Progress in 2002. Like Track And Field cohorts Tompaulin, Saloon have a passion for lilting melodies and docile guitar 'n string symphonies, but where the former often find themselves aligned with Belle and Sebastian, Saloon veer off in the direction of Stereolab and Movietone with celestial Moog washes and shyly seductive multilingual lyrics. Wonderfully off-kilter tracks "My Everyday Silver" and live fave "Girls Are The New Boys"...
Lea Salonga (* 22. Februar 1971 auf den Philippinen) ist eine philippinische Sängerin, Schauspielerin und Musicaldarstellerin. Ihr vollständiger Name ist Maria Lea Carmen Imutan Salonga. Die ersten sechs Jahre ihres Lebens lebte sie in Angeles und zog dann mit ihren Eltern nach Manila. Sie ist die ältere Schwester des Komponisten Gerard Salonga. Auf den Philippinen begann Lea Salonga ihre Karriere als Kinderstar und gab ihr Debüt als Sängerin 1978. Ihr erstes Album Small Voice erschien 1981 und wurde auf den Philippinen mit Gold und Platin ausgezeichnet. 1988 nahm sie in New York an der Audition für das Musical Miss Saigon...
Salomé (born June 21, 1943), born María Rosa Marco, is a Spanish singer. Salomé was born in Barcelona, Spain. At the Eurovision Song Contest held in Madrid in 1969, she performed "Vivo Cantando", composed by María José Cerato with words by Aniano Alcalde. The song (along with the entries from Netherlands, United Kingdom, and France) shared first place that year. Salomé recorded "Vivo Cantando" in 1969 for the Eurovision Song Contest in eight languages (Spanish, Catalan, Basque, French, German, Italian, English, and Serbo-Croat). The B-side to "Vivo Cantando" was "Amigos, Amigos" which came in 2nd at the Spanish National Final...
Esa-Pekka Salonen (born June 30, 1958 in Helsinki) is a prominent Finnish orchestral conductor and composer. He served as the chief conductor and music director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the orchestra with which he made his US debut in 1984. .