NATURECORE (pre Vegan Reich) | de

Surf band previously known as The Teenbeats. Line up: Larry Chernoff (lead guitar) Jim Logue (tenor sax) Lyle Smith (bass) Don Frassa (rhythm guitar) .
Vegan Reich war eine von Sean Muttaqi gegründete amerikanische Hardcore Punk-Band. Vegan Reich ist die wohl militanteste Vegan-Straight-Edge Band der 90er Jahre. Ihr leicht metal behafteter Old School war seiner Zeit voraus, ebenso die strikte Einhaltung der Veganen Lebensweise. Die Band produzierte nur eine 7" und eine 10" namens VANGUARD, danach widmete sich der Sänger Sean Muttaqi der Hip Hop Szene zu und ging in den Islam über. Vegan Reich inspirierten viele weitere Bands wie z.B. DAY OF SUFFERING, xCanaanx, Maroon oder auch Heaven Shall Burn, gerieten jedoch wegen ihrer Hardline Lebenseinstellung zunehmend in die Kritik. Holocaustvergleiche so wie von...
Anarcho/peace punk band with strong emphasis on animal rights. Formed in 1984, changed name to Black Apple Forest later on. releases (as Naturecore): with love... 12" (No Masters Voice/1986) a song entitled white blood on the the A.L.F. is Watching and There's no Place To Hide compilation (No Masters Voice/1988) Naturecore shouldn't be considered as "pre-Vegan Reich, as some of the members simply aided Sean Muttaqi in the recordings of a Vegan Reich song that appeared on the aforementioned compilation. .
Vegan Black Metal Chef, aka Brian Manowitz, is a black metal musician and a YouTube sensation from Orlando, Florida. Brian took the vegan and black metal scene by storm with the release of his instructional vegan cooking video in May 2011. Dressed up in metal garb and armed with knives, Brian films step by step instructions on making several types of vegan dishes, while narrating each video with slight humor and his own songs. Dark Awesome Cooking!!! Be prepared! Watch video! Download tracks! Cook yourself. .
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