Celtica | de

Pandora Celtica is a five piece vocal quintet offering soulful Celtic harmonies in rich layering. These talented singers pride themselves on their songs of ship wrecks and troubled times found in the mists of Celtic history. With a Renaissance feel, the singers will have you swigging your pints and thinking back into the stormy past of Celtic prehistory! Don't hope for cheery songs from this lot, but if you thrive on mayhem, death, and plunder, then they are your crew. With the new year dawning, we have found ourselves in the midst of some exciting changes. We are looking into...
Mit ihrem einzigartigen Sound aus strahlenden Dudelsäcken, mächtigen Drums und der Power einer Rockband erobern Celtica jedes Publikum im Sturm ob bei Highland Games oder Stadtfest, vom Banker bis zum Punker. Zusätzlich zu ihrer High Energy-Show sorgen Feuerjonglage und Flammenwerfer auf Bass und Gitarre für eine spektakuläre Performance für Augen und Ohren. Mächtig und rau, wild und mystisch: Der musikalische Highlands-Spirit, unbeugsam und freiheitsliebend, lässt die Feuer hoch lodern und wärmt die Seele wie bester Whisky: Slainte mhath! Cheeers! .
Céltica is a metal/folk band from Madrid, Spain. It was formed by ex-members of Estirpe Imperial and a few other bands. In its existence, Céltica has released one, self-titled album. Like its name suggests, the band has a Celtic sound, which is mixed with power metal. Apart from regular rock instruments, the bandmembers also use instruments such as flutes and bagpipes on certain tracks. The lyrics are mostly about patriotism and the history of Spain. .
Salsa Celtica - an 11 piece world music fusion band coming from Edinburgh, Scotland, formed in 1995. They have released four studio albums so far. .