Pilli Bebek | de

Here is the next alternative music from Osaka where BOREDOMS had rised. Vocal, Guitar, Bass, Strings, Piano, Noise and several drums sounds are harmonized as one but it's difficult what's kind of music this is. Only we can say "a beautiful chaos" Current drummers are Tatsuya Yoshida from ruins and Talow The Tornado from Nice View. Still, BOREDOMS ex-vocalist Toyohito Yoshikawa as as an original member. As soon as Vampillia had started performing, Rusty Santos, the producer of animal collective, has falled in love its show style and helped producing first album with his belief "Vampillia will be the world-class-artist"....
Pilli Bebek is a local Turkish band formed in 1995 by Cem Kismet, Cudi Genc and Gurcan Konanc. They are popular among people who prefer pubs in Sakarya, Ankara where they frequently play. They released their first album "Uyandirmadan" in 1999. After 8 years, in 2007, their second album called "Olsun" is released. Currently, they are playing in various places at Istanbul. They are considered as one of the best bands in Turkey to see live. .
Želimir "Željko" Bebek (born December 16, 1945) is a popular Bosnian Croat singer. Bebek was born in Sarajevo. He showed an early interest in music, entertaining his mother's guests by singing songs he heard on the radio. He also experimented with harmonica, but abandoned it in third grade of primary school as he wanted to play guitar and sing along. His teacher, however, discouraged such intentions so Željko ended up playing mandolin instead. He soon became the school's best mandolin player and was allowed to play guitar as a reward. He entered his first band at the age of 16....