Surprise | de

Prog band formed in St. Louis, MO, United States, members were: Rick Bess (electric guitar, bass, 12-string acoustic guitar), Blair Blake (Hammond organ, grand piano, MiniMoog, bass pedals, synthesizer, celeste), Dave Kelly (drums, timpani, bells, gongs, triangle, guiro), Mark Biehl (vocals, flute, trumpet, piccolo) .
The Surprise Package war eine 1960er-Rockband und eine der 60 besten psychedelischen Rockbands aus dem Seattle Raum. 1966 formierte sich die Band in Seattle, Washington. Mitglieder waren Greg Beck (Gitarre, Gesang), Kim Eggers (Lead Vocals & Sax), Michael Rogers (Klavier, Orgel, Bass, Vocals) und Fred Zeufeldt (Schlagzeug, Gesang). 1968 veröffentlichten sie ihr einziges Album mit dem Namen Free Up für Lee Hazlewoods LHI- Label. Die Song-Aufnahmen enthielten vor allem eine trippy und sehr intensive Musik mit vielen Hammond Orgelpasagen, lauten und fuzzierten Gitarrenpartien und soliden Drumming. Nah an stilistische Kombination von Vanilla Fudge, The Doors und vor allem Iron Butterfly...
Top Surprise is a noise pop four-piece based in Brazil. Their debut EP, "Everything Must Go", came out in 2010 on Pug Records. It is available in cassette, as well as for free download at .
In the U.S., Japan is notorious for its sugary sweet pop groups and its warped high-octane psycho-delic noise outfits. Tokyo's Space Streaklings is most definitely not the former. They could eat Shonen Knife for dinner. Hell, they could eat the Boredoms for dinner! Shonen Knife would just be an appetizer! In other words, they cook up an electronic hyper-spastic, neo-Dadaist Japanese messy stew that's so exciting you'll completely lose your taste for familiar foods. The foursome, comprised of multi-instrumentalists Screaming Stomach, Captain Insect, Karate Condor, and Kame Bazooka, has released a full-length, 1994's Nana-Toku, and a couple of seven-inches, all...