Gigi De Martino | de

GIGI is the recording project of Vancouver-based songwriter Nick Krgovich and producer/engineer Colin Stewart. In the spring of 2005 Stewart acquired two huge vintage plate reverbs and, eager to use them in a way that befit their history, he asked Krgovich to come up with a couple songs in the vein of classic Phil Spector/Brill Building pop hits and invited a large group of musician friends into the Hive Studios to record the songs live-off-the-floor. The results of that night were amazing, inspiring a string of recording sessions that took place over the following 3 years, collected here on GIGI's...
Pat Martino (* 25. August 1944 in Philadelphia) ist ein US-amerikanischer Jazz-Gitarrist. Martino begann schon früh, Gitarre zu spielen, und arbeitete bereits mit 15 Jahren als professioneller Gitarrist. 1980 retteten ihm zwei Notoperationen an einem Gehirn-Aneurysma das Leben, verursachten jedoch einen weitreichenden Gedächtnisverlust, der dazu führte, dass er das Gitarrespielen von Grund auf neu erlernen musste. 1984 trat Martino in einem Club in Philadelphia zum ersten Mal wieder live auf, allerdings unter seinem Geburtsnamen Pat Azzara, da er nach eigenen Aussagen nicht beweisen wollte, wieder der "Alte" zu sein. Heute gilt Pat Martino als einer der einflussreichsten Jazz-Gitarristen; sein Vorbild...
Bruno Martino was born 11th November 1925. His musical career started in 1944, when the young pianist entered the radio symphony orchestra of the roman broadcasting station RAI. At the same time he already performed with local jazz bands. After he had left Italy in 1947, he worked in several european night clubs, above all in Denmark. His orchestra played a mixture of jazz, neapolitan folk-songs and his own compositions, ranking among the most distinguished ball-room orchestras of that time. After he had returned to Italy, he wrote songs for prominent singers like Caterina Valente, Renato Rascel and Wilma de...
Adriano Martino is an italian musician, guitar player and producer. Born in Rome on 23 June 1965. He graduated in classical guitar in 1989 at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in his city. Working in the studio with important names in Italian music, as Renato Zero, Gianni Morandi, Antonello Venditti, Riccardo Cocciante, Domenico Modugno (Bacalov), Al Bano, Massimo Ranieri, squalor. Participates as a guitarist in numerous television productions and broadcasts such as "One of Us" and "There was a boy" with Gianni Morandi, "Music Farm 2" and "Christmas in the Vatican," collaborating with the teachers Pippo Caruso, Renato Serio Alterisio...
Gigi Finizio è un grande...non ci sono aggettivi per definire la sua grande maestosità. Gigi Finizio is one of the adjectives exist to describe his great prowess. .