Human Host Body | de

There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Everybody (sometimes also typed Every Body or Every-body) is the solo project of Carson Mcwhirter (of The Advantage, and Hella), based Sacramento, CA. He performs with drums, a piano, guitar, and a bass. He has been known to play solo improvisational shows, or with a full band. His style is extremely eclectic, and makes for an extremely exhilarating live performance. Everything EVERYBODY does is exquisitely mathematical. He probably got an A+ in calculus. EVERYBODY has released the first full-length album on Lost Lamp records in early January '08. It's titled, 'None of...
There are three artists by the name 'Ghost Town.' 1.) A Garage Rock/Evil Surf/Lo-Fi Pop band from Bournemouth, UK, Britain (UK) on the label 'Party's Over'. 2.) A five piece hardcore/metal band from the Gold Coast, Australia. Sam - Vocals Daniel - Guitar Chris - Guitar Jackson - Bass Shaun - Drums Taking influences from such bands as Converge, Trap Them, etc... They have played countless local shows.. Toured Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia & Singapore. Releases: This Is The Way The World Ends - EP (2008) Calamities - Album (2010) Ghost Town is with Deadsouls records
Nobody Knows wurde am 25. Januar 2001 gegründet. Die Musiker kommen aus Stendal, Halle (Saale), Magdeburg, Braunschweig und Krumke. Der Bandname ist dem Spiritual Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen entliehen. Seit 2008 tourt die Band deutschlandweit auf Stadtfesten und Festivals. Mit dem Album we folk YOU (2009) etablierten Nobody Knows ihre Stilmischung und markierten damit den Wendepunkt ihres bisherigen Schaffens. 2010 folgten diverse Nominierungen und Preisverleihungen, bspw. zum Jugendkulturpreis des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Euphorisch urteilt Celtic Rock, dass „Gruppen wie NOBODY KNOWS […] das Folk-Genre am Leben halten“[1] und das österreichische Onlinemagazin Folkmetal bescheinigte we folk YOU „fünfzig Minuten Abwechslung...
Body Language is an American electronic/alternative music group formed in 2008 in Hartford, Connecticut, consisting of Matthew Young, Grant Wheeler, Angelica Bess, and Ian Chang. Body Language was originally formed by Young and Wheeler when they started making dance music and remixes for a weekly party they curated at a bar called Vegas Blvd in Hartford. Soon they began to incorporate vocals from Bess and the original trio was formed. Subsequently, they moved to the neighborhood of Bedford Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, New York. Around that time they released their first record on a sister label of Ghostly Records, Moodgadget Records,...
Gefunden 11 Lieder, Dauer: 45:10
Human Host Body - Sankcije
Second Wave
Storms To Come
2. Sum Of Anger
The Pants Is Mokou, the Human Body is Just a Host
3. Rise Of The Machines
1. State Of Nature
1. Only The Fools pt.II
2. Imperialism of Everyday Life
4. On Stolen Lands