Violeta de Outono | de

Ornatos Violeta were an influential Portuguese alternative rock group whose music was informed as much by jazz and ska as the dominant guitar rock format of the time. The band was formed in the city of Porto, in 1991. With Manel Cruz (vocals), Nuno Prata (bass), Peixe (guitar), Kinörm (drums) and Elísio Donas (keyboard) and only two albums, they quickly became a reference in Portuguese music at the end of the 90's, despite the most successful part of their career lasting for only three years, ending when its members split up. History In 1997 they composed Cão (Dog!) their first...
Violeta Castillo presenta Uno y Otro, sus dos primeros discos. Ambos EPs están disponibles para la descarga y la escucha vía streaming en Los discos fueron grabados en los estudios YoConVoz de San Miguel de Tucumán, ciudad a la que Violeta llegó para reunirse durante veinte días con el grupo de productores locales Monoambiente, con la idea original de colaborar en un EP de cinco temas: Violeta ponía sus canciones -que venía tocando hacía un año acompañada únicamente por su guitarra- al servicio de la banda, para todos juntos llevarlas a otro nivel. La afinidad fue tal que terminaron...
Violeta Rivas (Ana María Francisca Adinolfi, 4 October 1937 – 23 June 2018) was an Argentine singer and actress, known for participating in the music program El Club del Clan, along with Palito Ortega, Raúl Lavié, Johnny Tedesco and Chico Novarro. Rivas was born in Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires Province, in 1937. At the age of five, she participated in a contest in Chivilcoy singing the songs of Clavito Chino and Los Gitanos. A year later, she was chosen by her school to sing in the choir of the Postal Savings Bank. She subsequently studied lyrical singing. Rivas married Néstor Fabián...
Azul Violeta cumple 25 años. Para ello, el grupo que hoy integran Ugo, Orco, Yuri, Iván, Shaboomy y Mayer, trabaja concentradamente en una serie de acciones que se materializarán en el 2014. Un concierto en el Teatro Diana por la celebración de dos décadas y media de amistad, inspiración, trabajo y complicidad con sus seguidores; la grabación de un nuevo racimo de canciones en un álbum que verá la luz a comienzos del año entrante, y un documental en el que se narra su intensa y productiva aventura musical, son algunos argumentos que constatan que Azul Violeta es una realidad...
Violeta de Outono ("autumn violet") is a Brazilian psychedelic/progressive rock band formed in 1984 by Fabio Golfetti, Cláudio Souza (both former members of the band Zero) and Angelo Pastorello. Their first LP, self titled, was relatively successful in Brazil, and so it was the following album, "Em Toda Parte". In 1991 the lead singer and guitarist Fábio Golfetti left the band to work in other projects and in his solo career. The band reunited in 1994 and recorded a new album ("Mulher na Montanha") a year later, but it was released only in 1999. .