Egida Aurea | de

Egida Aurea was born in Genoa (Italy) in summer 2006, from the cooperation between Diego Banchero (bassist and composer with Malombra, Il Segno del Comando, Zess and Recondita Stirpe) and Carolina Cecchinato (female vocalist of Recondita Stirpe). Later on, Fernando Cherchi (accordionist), Mirko Girondini (acoustic and classic guitarist), and Guglielmo Amore (percussionist, and currently vocalist as well), all coming from Recondita Stirpe, joined in. Since the majority of the components were already familiar with each other in previous projects such as Recondita Stirpe, the development of the musical research is free and heterogeneous and aims to experiment neofolk sound, by...
Melodic Doom/Death Metal aus Schweden Gründung: 2005 Label: Napalm Records Patrick Kullberg - Vocals Alice Persell - Vocals Robert Persson - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Vocals Grim Vindkall - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Vocals Joakim Antonsson - Drums .
LEGENDA AUREA wurde im August 2005 vom ehemaligen Drummer Martin Roth und Keyboarder Renato Trinkler gegründet. Als erster Vorstoss in die Öffentlichkeit veröffentlichte die Band kurz darauf einen ersten Song auf dem Schweizer Newcomer-Sampler "Heavy Metal Nation III". Die guten Kritiken wurden noch übertroffen, als die Band anschliessend ihr Debut-Album "Sedna" im Eigenvertrieb herausgab. Einige Monate später unterschrieb die Band bei Twilight Zone Records, worauf das Album nochmal released und neu vermarktet wurde. Nach einigen gefeierten Konzerten in der Deutschschweiz (unter anderem mit Nocturnal Rites (SWE) und Thunderstone (FIN)) und zwei Line-Up Wechseln (Phillip Eichenberger, Drums / Simone Christinat, Vocals)...
Sectio Aurea the project between women and man, united in sacred marriage... with our music we celebrate the moon and the sun... mother and father... a union between opposit sides: consciousness and unconsciousness... these tunes reflect and describe composition of our everyday life, emotions that we share together like joy, anger, happyness, sadness... simply the normal things one family meets on its road... our motto is equilibrium = as above so belove. The entire notion of a 'surprise party' is based on the pleasure and gratification many of us feel when confronted with...unexpected appearances. Mathematics, and Sectio Aurea in particular,...