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Thomas Adrian „Tommy“ Sands (* 27. August 1937 in Chicago, Illinois) ist ein US-amerikanischer Country-, Rockabilly- und Popmusiker sowie Schauspieler. Nachdem Sands 1957 mit "Teen-Age Crush" einen nationalen Hit hatte, setzte er zu einer Karriere als Sänger und Schauspieler an. Sands war der Sohn schottisch-irischer Einwanderer, die ebenfalls im Showgeschäft tätig waren. Sein Vater war Pianist und seine Mutter Sängerin in Art Kassels Big Band. In Chicago sammelte er als Kind erste Erfahrung im WBKB-TV Barn Dance. Mit sieben Jahren lernte er, Gitarre zu spielen, und trat in diesem Alter bereits im Louisiana Hayride auf, einer Countryshow, die über KWKH...
David Sandström started out as a drummer is various punk/hardcore bands, most notably Refused. After Refused threw in the towel in 1998, Sandström went to work on his second solo album (the first one, The Faint Sounds Of Shovelled Earth, had been released only months prior). He had started investigating the true cause of death of his maternal grandfather Sigvard Nilsson, who had always been a bit of a persona non grata in the Sandström household. It turned out Sigvard suffered from tuberculosis and catatonia in the 1940's, which led to long stays in the hospital where he was subjected...
Evie Sands is a Brooklyn-born singer-songwriter and guitarist, whose career began as a young teenager in the mid-1960s. After several near-misses throughout the rest of the decade, and a thoroughly hard time at the hands of the record industry, she eventually saw chart action in 1969, before mostly forgoing live performance in 1979 to concentrate on writing and production. She experienced a fashionable, Brit-led surge in cult popularity beginning in the 1990s and returned to live performance in mid-1998. Sands is still actively recording and performing today. Evie Sands was the first artist to record the classic song "Angel Of...