3. Bands mit diesen Namen!!! Mongrel Karlsfeld Germany / Mongrel Danvers U.S. / Mongrel UK Wollte man MONGREL mit vier Worten beschreiben, läge man mit diesem Motto sicherlich nicht falsch. Die vier Münchner zelebrieren hardcorelastigen Skatepunk nun schon seit vielen Jahren und werden nicht müde, ihren ganz eigenen Stil kontinuierlich weiterzu-entwickeln. Wer ungeschminkte und energiegeladene In-your-face-Mucke sucht und die Nase von pseudo-fröhlichem Lala-Bastscho-jetzt-aber-saufen-Punkrock voll hat, ist hier genau richtig. Mit der festen Überzeugung, dass Mitläufer- und Ja-Sagertum in dem Moment beginnt, in dem man aufhört, Dinge zu hinterfragen und die Augen vor der Realität zu verschließen, brettern die vier Jungs...
Scrapyard Mongrels is one of the few groups created by GTA2's audio team. Their only song serves as the background music for the end credits in GTA2. .
There are more than one artist that go by the name Mongrels. (1) Mongrels are a 4-piece blackened chaotic hardcore band from Lynchburg, Virginia. Founded in 2012, they recently released their debut album titled Gnawed Bones in October 2014. It is available @ for more information, visit (2) As well as the band 'Mongrels', this listing also refers to the soundtrack to the BBC sitcom 'Mongrels'. For more information on that, visit wikipedia. (3) A garage rock/cowpunk band from Denmark. Sloppy and self-recorded, they used to have a band called The Armsmen with actress Jelena Bundalovic. (4)...
Mongrel's Cross is a Blackened Thrash metal band from Brisbane, Queensland in Australia. Formed in 2009, the band consists of: Goet Euryn (Bass, Guitars) Necros Craigos (Drums) Grand Mongrel (Guitars, Vocals) Releases include: Mongrel's Cross (Demo)- 2009 Whoresanna (EP)- 2011 The Plutonian Drug / Starfire Communion (Split with Innsmouth)- 2012 The Sins of Aquarius (Full Length)- 2009 For more Information: .