Beatrice Egli | de

Maplewood, NJ She's also been acting since age 8 and has been in films, commercials, and Off Broadway shows, including Toy Story 3, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Too Big To Fail, Yes, Virginia, and others. "But I most definitely would rather be singing than memorizing a script!" she adds. On who she is as an artist, she says, "I am the punky skater girl. I'm a rebel without a cause, always have been, always will be. I love to stand out and be different, to be the bro in the girl world. I would make records with lots...
Beatrice, originally a girl-band from the '70s, is a popular (and maybe the first) punk-rock band of Hungary, founded in 1978. Their music was, and still is against socialism. They became highly anticipated between '80s working class youth, concerts guarded by police of the regime. After the change, Beatrice, and front member Nagy Feró is still filled with political charge (right-wing, and sometimes nationalist). Their punk-rock style, uniquely combined with folk elements, produced hits like Azok a boldog szép napok, 8 óra munka are still amongst the most often played tracks in the country, and have a cult status in...
N.C.C. were a Czech deathgrind band. In the beginning, they were very strange in the Demilich fashion, writing obscure slow-ish goregrind. They have since progressed to groovy mid-paced and idiosyncratic deathgrind/goregrind. All band members are heavily involved in researching Science, Theories, Physics, and Mathematics. Later they disbanded and some of the members went to Eardelete .
Die Band wurde 1998 unter dem Namen Ananda gegründet. Es folgen Auftritte und erste Aufnahmen in den Barracken, Ludwigsburg. Im Jahr 2000 gewinnt Ananda beim Noise-Gate-Festival weitere Studiotage es entstehen Hobsons Choice und Evergreen. 2001 folgt die erste aufwendige Produktion des Titels Entitle Die Band heißt nun nicht mehr Ananda, sondern bereits Maeglin. Allerdings gehen auch die Interessen der einzelnen Mitglieder auseinander und was folgt ist eine Umbesetzung und ein Neuanfang 2002 mit Sascha und Markus. Die Arbeit fruchtet und es entstehen viele neue Songs und Ideen. So geschieht es das im März 2003 die Band wieder aufzutreten beginnt und...