Kappa Gamma | de

There are multiple artists using the name "Gamma". 1) Gamma is a band formed by guitarist Ronnie Montrose back in the 70s, after his band Montrose released several LPs, including the classic Montrose/Montrose(Bad Motor Scooter, Rock The Nation). From Northern California, Gamma received relatively little airplay even though their music was very high-quality with stellar musicianship and songwriting. 2) Gamma is a UK Hip-Hop crew on the label Big Dada. 3) Gamma is a Chiptune musician. He/She/It/They have a 9 track album entitled "live" free to download on Kittenrock.co.uk 4) Gamma is one of the early hard/progressive trance aliases used...
Band 1. Kappa is a rock trio from Liverpool A/K/A The "Amazing KAPPA", England. Led by guitarist and vocalist, Paul Kappa formed Kappa in the nineties and is backed by Martin Byrne on bass guitar and Tony Smith on Drums. The band specialise in a hard hitting guitar-led rock style with a unique style. Playing original material and cover versions of such luminaries as Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and Julie London. Original albums released include: Living @ the End Of The World - 2003 Guitar Hero - 2004 Electrical Storm - 2006 Death Western - 2007 Mountains of The Moon...
Gamma Ray (engl. „Gammastrahl“) ist eine deutsche Speed-/Power-Metal-Band. Sie wurde 1988/89 von Kai Hansen gegründet, nachdem dieser Helloween verlassen hatte. Nachdem er vier Jahre bei Helloween verbracht hatte, verließ Gitarrist und Songschreiber Kai Hansen 1988 die Band. Danach machte er einige Studioarbeiten mit Blind Guardian. Schließlich entschloss er sich, ein eigenes Projekt aus der Taufe zu heben. Dazu rekrutierte er seinen langjährigen Freund Ralf Scheepers (Gesang), Uwe Wessel (Bass) und Mathias Burchardt (Schlagzeug) und gründete mit ihnen Gamma Ray. Der Name der Band geht auf den größten Hit Gamma Ray von Birth Control zurück. Der Titel ist auf dem 1993er-Album...
What is Kappa Gamma? Kappa Gamma is Greek for an incomprehensible language. Kappa Gamma is the incorrect observation of the Highway Code. Kappa Gamma is a papier-mâché training bra. Kappa Gamma is the curiosity that killed YOUR cat. Kappa Gamma is Bruce Forsyth's favourite band. Kappa Gamma is "no, please, no, why are you doing this?" Kappa Gamma is the Chosen Few. Kappa Gamma is groovy chicks with flutey legs. Kappa Gamma is everything that is the same, even though it is different. "Let there be peace amongst mammals." Kappa Gamma is Schrödinger's thought experiment of 1935. DREAMS. Triple-click: Find...