Wesley Safadão | de

He is a songwriter, pianist, vocalist with a range spanning four octaves, and a linguist who speaks five languages. His name is Kenny Wesley. With two acclaimed projects, nine Washington-Area Music Award (Wammie) nominations, multiple collaborations and compilation features, and a slew of high-profile performances under his belt, including a 2nd prize win as the sole U.S. representative for the 2013 Montreux Jazz Festival’s Shure Vocal Competition, Kenny has firmly placed his stamp on the burgeoning modern music movement. His songs, fusing elements of funk, classical, folk and jazz, have been prominently featured on radio, film and TV – including...
Wesley is a 4 piece band from Jersey. After their first record, “Success is the Best Revenge (2006),” the band set out to make sure they were remembered for being the most exciting live show anyone’s ever seen. After numerous lineup changes and heavy deliberation about the band’s direction, it was settled that the group’s 2nd release was the course they were meant to be on. “The Coming End (2008)” is a culmination of a year’s worth of relentless writing, and if it doesn’t keep you on the edge of your seat, then it's because you’re standing up, or something....
John Wesley Harding (b. 22 October 1965) is a folk/pop singer-songwriter who has called his style of music "folk noir" and "gangsta folk". He was born Wesley Stace in Hastings, East Sussex, England. His given name, Wesley, comes from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, who preached one of his last sermons in the town where Harding was born. His stage name may be seen as an almost inevitable nickname for a folk-pop musician, in that his first name overlaps with the Bob Dylan album (and song) "John Wesley Harding". The American gunfighting historical figure John Wesley Hardin was largely...
John Wesley (* Juni 1962 als John Wesley Dearth, Jr., daher auch Wes Dearth) ist ein US-amerikanischer Gitarrist und Sänger. Er ist auch als Tour-Gitarrist von Porcupine Tree bekannt. Seine Karriere begann er in den frühen 80er Jahren in Tampa, Florida, wo er 1991 gemeinsam mit dem Schlagzeuger und Produzenten Mark Prator Autodrive gründete. Ab 1992 trieb er auch seine Solokarriere voran und war lange Zeit im Vorprogramm der britischen Progressive Rock Band Marillion zu hören. 1998 begleitete er die Peter Frampton/Lynyrd Skynyrd Tour gemeinsam mit Mike Tramp (ehemals bei White Lion) als Vorband. Auch mit Fish bestritt er einige...
Wesley Snipes (* 31. Juli 1962 in Orlando, Florida) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Biografie Wesley Snipes wuchs bei seiner Mutter in New Yorks South Bronx auf. An der „High School for the Performing Arts“ in New York belegte er die Fächer Tanz, Gesang und Schauspielerei. Später studierte er an der „State University of New York“ Theaterschauspiel. Obwohl er einige Nebenrollen in Filmen und Serien erhielt und in diversen Bühnenstücken am Broadway mitwirkte, konnte er lange Zeit nicht von seinem Beruf als Schauspieler, Tänzer und Sänger leben. In dieser Zeit trat er, beeindruckt von Malcolm X' Autobiographie, zum Islam über. Erst...
Gefunden 181 Lieder, Dauer: 09:35:45
Jejum de Amor
Jogado na rua [MiguelR.]
Bebe Vem Me Procurar (feat. Wesley Safadão)
Tô sensacional
Coração Machucado
A Mala É Falsa
Acabou acabou
vou dar virote
levante a mão pro ceú
Treme Bunda
Parece que o Vento
Mentezinha Covarde
Made In Roça
Troca o disco
Gelo na Balada
A Culpa é da Bebida - Mai C.
Agora é pra valer
05 - Chuveiro ligado (Caninana)
Quando Eu Parar de Ligar
Farra, Pinga e Foguete
Agora é pra valer
17 - Wesley Safadão - Ar condicionado no 15
19 - Wesley Safadão - Você partiu meu coração
Viva a Bagaceira
03 - Wesley Safadão - Tem Cabaré Essa Noite
Chá pra relaxar
Jeito Carinhoso
Alô porteiro
16 - Wesley Safadão - Decreto liberado
20 - Wesley Safadão - Laranjinha
05 - Wesley Safadão - Hoje eu não vou trabalhar
12 - Wesley Safadão - Farra do vaqueiro
14 - Wesley Safadão - Um centímetro
04 - Wesley Safadão - Sonhei que tava me casando
15 - Wesley Safadão - Ressaca de saudade
Wesley Safadão-Veja so no Que Deu
Nosso jeito safado- MK