33 | de

NYC’s 33Hz released their first LP in 2005. Featuring the tracks “Crazy All the Time”, “Hot Flashes”, and “Digital Lover” the group was soon able to count artists such as Daft Punk and Architecture in Helsinki as fans, and word of their unique classy-disco sound quickly spread throughout the U.S., France, and around the world. .
Shima33 is an ambient music producer, currently signed to the DMT Tapes Florida & Dream Catalogue labels. He has released 7 albums so far. .
Graves33 hails from a background of spinning turntables, deep raps, hard hitting beats, and has various musical influences from Classic Rock and Jazz to Hip Hop and Electronic. “If Frank Zappa and Bob Dylan merged their brains to create a Hip Hop frankenstein it would be named after Graves33.” In the past, Graves33 has performed on bills with groups and artists such as Wu-Tang Clan, Artifacts, Efx, Acid Reign, Sole & The Skyrider Band, Myka9, 2Mex, LuckyIAM, Cadalack Ron, Existereo, Awol One, Thesaurus, Mestizo, Qwel & Maker, Noah23, K-The-I???, Dirt Bag Dan, Mac Lethal, Los Feo Faces, Open Mike Eagle,...
Consisting of Mark Pritchard and Dave Brinkworth, Harmonic 33 creates instrumental hip-hop and sci/fi soundtrack style library music. Pritchard and Brinkworth also make up the drum-n-bass duo, Use of Weapons. .
The pair behind the Prime 33 moniker comprises of two individuals with distinct and very accomplished backgrounds. Agency owner and promoting heavyweight Nicole Moudaber along with musical brainiac Astrid Suryanto started working together after meeting in Miami through a joint business partner and friend, Victor Calderone. Naturally they hit it off and thus so did begin the creation of music under their new pseudonym. While Astrid has had work on prestigious labels such as Bedrock, Saw, Statra, Universal, and EMI, Nicole has the privilege of being responsible for A&R at React Music, while project managing the Pete Gooding Cafe Mambo...
Gefunden 167 Lieder, Dauer: 11:04:20
Визин | low by sputnik
[33-37Hz] Перекупская
Tokyo Drift (33-37 hz)
Тем, кто с нами
Amathole (LB By Cat) (Original Mix)
Amathole (LB By Cat) (Original Mix)
Матовый (Low Bass by #Shvagurtsev)
Золотая осень
[29-33 Hz] Slow Down
Четыре пятнахи (33-37 hz)
Дует [LowBass by #DimSan]
Лада пломбир (33-37Hz)
[33-37 Hz] Танцы
Зацепила [33-37Hz]
Тамада | low by manzo
БУДНИ [33-37 Hz]
Мультибрендовый [31.33.35 Hz]
Какаду | low by wizard
Вдох-выдох (Low bass by Svyat)
Комбат (LBL)(9мая)
Забытый бала by Shvagurtsev
33 Ролексы
Оп, мусорок (33-37, 41hz)
Дым сигарет с ментолом
Кольщик [31/33/35/37 Hz]
33 Remix
Давай вкатаемся (Low Bass by Artist)
Ad Kolima (Low Bass by #Zaika)
[29-33 Hz] Танцы
Без палева