Zezé+Di+Camargo+Luciano | de

Nascut in 8 August, 1983 in Arad. M-am apucat de muzica de prin 98, pe cand aveam 14-15 ani. Am tot participat la open mic-uri, concursuri hip hop, iar primul meu material a fost albumul solo Pentru Fratii Mei in 2005. Dupa acest material a urmat inceputul colaborarii cu Presto, formarea Iadaici Records in Iunie 2005, o gramada de concerte, iar in Septembrie 2006 aparitia celui de-al doilea material al meu Iadaici Prezinta...vol. 1 in colaborare cu Presto. De atunci pana anul trecut am lucrat cu Presto la Vol. 2, care s-a transformat intr-un mixtape, dar nici unul din aceste...
- "The New Voice of the Clarinet" (front page of De Klarinet) - “Masterful Clarinet! Luca is a noted Italian clarinettist and composer who now makes his home in London, having developed an enviable reputation as an instrumental virtuoso around the UK and overseas via recordings and concert hall appearances” (Musician Magazine) - “Luciano is one of Europe's leading exponent of jazz clarinet” (BBC Radio) Internationally recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to contemporary clarinet music, praised by Musical Opinion (UK’s oldest classical music magazine) for his “constantly beautiful tone”, he starts his career at a very young age and has...
Pianist, arranger, composer, and producer Cesar Camargo Mariano is one of Brazil's most celebrated and sought-after musicians. In the early '60s, just as the bossa nova was taking its baby steps toward enchanting the world, a teenage Cesar became famous for his ability to swing and for his now-legendary left hand. His ensembles of that era, notably Sambalanço Trio and Som Tres, are regarded as high points in Brazilian jazz; so is his 1981 album Samambaia, one of his thirty-plus instrumental albums. Cesar's collaborations with many of Brazil's most important singers, notably Wilson Simonal and Elis Regina, have brought him...
Luciano Pereyrea, geb. am 23. September 1981 in Luján (Provinz Buenos Aires) ist ein populärer argentinischer Sänger. .