Lolita+KompleX | de

Lolita Ritmanis is an American composer. Nominated for ten Emmy Awards, she won the award in 2001 for her work on the animated series Batman Beyond. Born on November 1, 1962, in Portland, Oregon, Ritmanis is the daughter of Dr. Andris Ritmanis and Asja Ritmanis, who left Latvia during World War II and immigrated to the US in 1949. Ritmanis has a sister, Brigita Ritmanis-Jameson, and a brother, Alberts Ritmanis. Throughout her childhood Ritmanis studied piano, flute, guitar and voice, performing in both jazz and classical music ensembles. Ritmanis composed her first song at age 11. By age 16 she...
Godkomplex was formed in 1998 Los Angeles, by Daron Case and Paul Shouse with the intention of revitalizing hard industrial music. Paul has been involved in the industrial music scene since the mid-80s playing with bands such as Servo Sector (which included members of Kevorkian Death Cycle). Daron fronts side projects Chaos Frequency and Skinprobe. The duo combine elements of several electronic genres including drum and bass, power noise, techno, and cold wave to produce a unique sound which preserves the integrity of earlier industrial music while utilizing a more modern approach. With the recent addition of members Brad Cole...
Lolita Storm is the perfect pop band for the 21st century. They met in Brighton, they all looked fucking excellent and decided to create a future for rock n roll. They got a name (a headline about a riot at a private girls school), got a gig and blew up the PA. In the soundcheck. "...the sound of lovely 60's girl group pop, run over by a breakbeat bulldozer fuelled on a cocktail of teenage hormones and cheap amphetamines. Repeatedly" "... they really are coming for your children. Vinyl Marxists who believe in the power of punk-pop and digital bubblegum,...
Genocide Lolita is National Socialist Power Electronics from the United States. One could say this artist is the soundtrack to William Pierce's Turner Diaries or James Mason's Siege. Power Electronics that glorifies the Bruder Schweigen, James Wickstrom, and many other radical racists. This music is made for those who are at war against the modern world. Genocide Lolita is the work of one man, Justin Ordnung, and has been operating since 2002. Heavy Electronics in the tradition of The Grey Wolves, Ex.Order, Survival Unit, etc. Equipment used: Boss BR 532 digital 4 track,Yamaha PSR 280,Wavelab 5.0,Boss Metal Zone MT-2, samples....
Komplex ist am 22.10.1987 geboren. Sein Leben ist geprägt von Enttäuschungen und schlechten Erfahrungen. 2000 fing er an Drogen zu nehmen. Zunächst waren das nur Joints die er am Wochenende rauchte, doch schnell wurde daraus Dealerei und der Umstieg auf härtere Sachen. 2002 fing er an Musik zu machen. Schon damals missfiel ihm die Richtung Gangstarap. Er hörte viel lieber Curse, Samy Deluxe, Die Beginner oder Kool Savas. Als ihn das ganze Rapding gepackt hatte, konnte er nicht mehr damit aufhören. In der Schule schrieb er viel lieber Texte anstatt dem Lehrer zuzuhören. Für ihn ist und bleibt Rap ein...