Gefunden 128 Lieder, Dauer: 10:16:09
lyke wake dirge 2010 (black moon version)
crazy map michael
rolling of the stones 2010 (pebbles and sand)
The Midnight Folk
The Willow Tree
The Bard of Eve
Come Unto the Corn
The Great God Pan
The Bard of Eve
The Cruel Mother
O Taste and See
The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry
The Bard of Eve
The Three Ravens
The Bard of Eve
Les Trois Petits Frères en France
Petite Mort (with Kentin Jivek)
John Barleycorn
There Were Faces In The Hedgerow
The Willows (OObe OPIUM remix)
The Rolling Of The Stones / whitehorse /
sweet william and fair margaret
Hiver Vous n'êtes qu'un Vilain
The Great Silkie Of Sule Skerry
La Belle est au Jardin d'Amour
Lyke Wake Dirge 2010 (black moon version)