Zoi Stormy | de

Heading from Italy, Stormy Six was one of the original artists in the RIO movement in the late 70's. Other bands in this movement included Henry Cow, Univers Zero, Samla Mammas Manna and Etron Fou Leloublan. Stormy Six started as an ordinary folk rock band before dragging more experimental and complex stuctures into their music around 1975. Their 1977 release "L'Apprendista" is considered by many their most satisfying release musically, balancing prog, folk and avant-garde perfectly in a playful and surprisingly accessible way. Very similar to Gentle Giant at times as well. .
Stormy Mondays is a Spanish rock band whose music lives in the present but whose musical roots are firmly planted in the rock and roll tradition. With classic influences like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or Neil Young, their sound comes close to bands like Counting Crows, REM, Jayhawks or Tom Petty .
Chicago soul artist active in the late sixties; his real name was John Colley. .
Casting melodic hooks to the hungry masses, the strength of Stormy Strong’s songwriting is fast approaching gale-force intensity. Listening to Stormy conjures images of his life and near-death experiences at sea --a lonely fisherman cast adrift and anchorless against the capricious squalls which inspired his name, battling the merciless riptide of “sink or swim”. Stormy’s songs weave a compelling narrative of stark introspection which commandeers the mind’s eye long after the music ends. More than just another singer-songwriter, Stormy Strong is a storyteller --with a story to tell that's uniquely his own. Stormy’s catchy hooks, biting lyrics and emotional honesty...
Gefunden 99 Lieder, Dauer: 06:06:13
Stretching Time
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Pilates Stretch
Buddha ampleur
Balance of Hormones
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Je suis nouveau
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Stretching Out
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Chakra méditation profonde
Arrêtez de trop penser
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Serenade for a Rose
Yoga Therapy
Stretching for the Four Winds
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Stretching for the Four Winds
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Be Kind
Soie douce
Aura libre
Guérison Zen
Délicieux spa
Matin Fuji
100% Détente
Stretching Out
Health Yoga
Overklig njutningslåtar
Pilates Stretch
African Cave
Lugnt humör
Asian Bliss