Visua | de

schöner aufbau enspannend und treibend. viele interesante töne macht lust auf mehr reisezeit der gedanken...und macht lust auf tanzen so würde ich es beschreiben gruss aus kiel [email protected] .
Quickly gaining popularity for their brilliantly composed indie-pop, The Everyday Visuals are a Boston band with roots in New Hampshire. .
Visual Contact is composed by DJ Bog (a.k.a Visual Paradox) and Didy Ezra (Bizzare Contact). .
There are various artists with this name. 1. A math rock band from Seoul, South Korea. 2. Brooklyn band whose members' previous projects include Translations. 3. UK band now known as Asunder Shadow .
1. If you don't know what he is on, you should get to know. A man with a plan, Visual is the hardest working independent artist in Chicago. His signature blue collar work ethic is evident when you consider that he has individually managed a majority of his career. This includes delivering on public relations, promotions, and booking responsibilities as an artist as well as pushing forward the initiatives of his Community Service record label as a manager. A brief look at his accomplishments will establish his title of "Working Class Legend". Visual grew up in the Logan Square community...