Mystic State, Astrid | de

In 2004, Astrid released their third album - 'One In Four' (named for the statistic that "one in four of us will suffer mental health problems at some time in our lives"). They then had a successful tour supporting Snow Patrol. Shortly after, the band split up, apparently due to singer/guitarist William Campbell's alleged problems with drug abuse. Neil Payne now drums for fellow Scottish band, Texas, Gareth Russell plays bass for Idlewild and Charlie Clarke formed a new band, Our Lunar Activites, who have gone on to support +44 and record an album with Mark Hoppus as producer. .
"The Mystic Astrologic Crystal Band" offers up an interesting mix of psych and what you'd call sunshine pop. I've seen a couple of reviews that compare the LP to The Yellow Balloon and the comparison' wasn't too far off, though Hoffman's affection for the sitar and Grass' production touches gave this a far more distinctive psych edge. Musically the collection was pretty much divided between the two genres, though Grass added interesting production touches to virtually every track - 'Early Dawn' shifted from great harmony rich pop to a weird phasing segment and then back again. At least to my...
als Nachschlag oder Geschwisterband zur erfolgreichen Doom-Supergroup Down initiierten die beteiligten Jimmy Bower, Paul Webb, Andy Shepherd, Joey Lacaze und Ross Karpelman das instrumentale Doom-Quintett Clearlight, das sich wegen Urheberrechtsgründen bald in "The Mystick Krewe of Clearlight" umbenannten. Soundmäßig bleibt man seinen Ursprüngen treu und verzichtete auf Gesang. .
Gefunden 4 Lieder, Dauer: 23:05
Society (feat. Astrid)
Society (feat. Astrid)
Seigfried [Not On Label]