Silvio Rodríguez Vicente Feliú | de

There are at least three groups/artists called Silvio 1)One of them is a Finnish indie-rock band, consisting of five members: Ilmari Pohjola (singer), Jyrki Väisänen (guitar), Juhani Ahola (guitar), Verneri Pohjola (drums, rhodes), Antti Lötjönen (bass). 2)The other artist is Silvio Di Taranto, a solo electronic artist who is currently making his first song, it's still referred to as "Beta". His mixes have fallen in taste with electrolovers. His mixes go from electro to techno and dance (and all it's subcategories), occasionnaly some other genres too (Rock, ...). Some of his mixes can be found online. "Beta" has no set...
Sixto Diaz Rodriguez (also known as Rodriguez or as Jesus Rodriguez; born July 10, 1942) is an American folk musician. His career initially proved short-lived with two albums in the early 1970s and some brief touring in Australia. Unknown to him however, his work proved extremely successful and influential in South Africa, although he was mistakenly rumored in that country to be dead by suicide. In the 1990s, determined South African fans managed to seek out and contact him, leading to an unexpected revival of his musical career. Their story is told in the 2012 documentary, Searching for Sugar Man,...
To those who have come to love him as the so-called “singing policeman,”—the New York City cop who helped bring the country an uplifting spirit of promise and hope with his stirring rendition of “God Bless America” after the September 11 terrorist attacks—it is no surprise that Daniel Rodriguez has always been a spiritual man. His first two albums, the debut SPIRIT OF AMERICA and the romantic FROM MY HEART, both included a spiritual song as a testament to the driving force in his life, and he has welcomed the opportunity to work with institutions such as the USO, the...
Rodríguez ist 1978 in Argentinien geboren und hat die meiste Zeit seines Lebens in Spanien verbracht (Insel Mallorca), wo er sich 1988 niederliess. Bereits in frühen Jahren begann er mit dem Studium moderner und klassischer Musik. Rodrigo begann seine professionelle Karriere in Spanien, er kam in Kontakt mit seinem ersten asiatischen Instrument, der Shakuhachi Flöte (einer japanischen Bambusflöte, welche von buddhistischen Mönchen in ihren Meditationspraktiken gebraucht wird). Fasziniert von der japanischen Musik reiste er mehrmals nach Japan, um sich weiterzubilden. Er studierte in der Internationalen Shakuhachi Kenshu-kan Schule bei Grossmeister Kaoru Kakizakai und reist um die Welt, um traditionelle Instrumente...
Gefunden 9 Lieder, Dauer: 30:12
11. Una canción de amor esta noche
8. Esther, homenaje (1974)
5. Los seguidores (1972)
12. Yo digo que las estrellas
6. La Guitarra de Lorca (1978, versos FGL)