Giorgos Stefanou | de

Giorgos (George) Batis (or Abatis) was a Greek composer and lyricist of rebetiko music. His real name was Giorgos Tsoros and was born at Methana in 1885 or 1886. At the age of 8 his parents moved to Piraeus. In 1931 he opened a café at the Lemonadika of Karaiskaki (Tzelepi Coast) (Λεμονάδικα του Καραϊσκάκη - Ακτή Τζελέπη), which he named Georges Baté (Ζώρζ Μπατέ) which turned out to serve a a school for rebetiko music. He was an expert baglama player and one of the most significant composers of the rebetiko music. His recordings are very rare, and we...
Giorgos Gatzigristos was born in Nijmegen – The Netherlands, and has lived there all his life. After a disappointing Saturday night in the center of Nijmegen, he got lost with some friends and ended up at the famous club Doornroosje, where one of the first Highland Beats label nights had already taken off. After that event, Giorgos interest in electronic dance music grew. He bought his first production equipment, and later on dived into DJ-ing as well. On June the 2nd, 2004 Giorgos first record got released on the Dutch label of Darko Esser and Ger Laning (DJ LL): Wolfskuil...
Giorgos Alkaios (griechisch Γιώργος Αλκαίος [ˈʝɔrɣɔs alˈkʲɛɔs]; * 24. Dezember 1971 in Athen) ist ein griechischer Popmusiker. Sein Vater ist der ebenfalls in den 1990er Jahren in Griechenland sehr erfolgreiche Sänger Giannis Vassiliou. Seine Karriere begann 1989 mit einem Auftritt in einer griechischen Casting-Show. Nach einer kurzen Phase, in der er als Schauspieler tätig war, widmete er sich ganz der Musik, um aus dem Schatten seines bekannten Vaters heraustreten zu können. Für seine Solokarriere wählte er den Geburtsnamen seiner Mutter Alkaios als Künstlername aus. Erfolg war ihm schon mit seiner ersten Single Ti Ti beschieden. Sein Werk zeichnet sich vor... I was born in Thessaloniki(1982) where i currently live(2010+). I studied music technology & acoustics in technological & educational institute of crete(2004-2009) with katerina tzedaki, nikolas valsamakis, panayiotis kokoras, taxiarchis diamantopoulos & thodoris lotis. I'm a Member of hellenic electroacoustic music composers association & confederation internationale musique Electroacoustique(2005+). Co-runned petcord netlabel with Olliver Wichmann(2007-2010). Design & build custom control interfaces named as vavdo(2011+). Co-funder of digital physical art festival in thesalloniki. .