Wowser Bowser | de

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Wowser Bowser is the result of years of tedious work by Wowser Bowser - George Pettis, Jake Thomson and Joe Crabb.

Featuring nine tracks which include the "Waterstory" single that was released in December of 2010, "Wowser Bowser" is the full length introduction of Wowser Bowser to the world.

"The rise of Deerhunter opened the door for those more avant-minded groups in town to finally strut their stuff for an audience. The gentlemen of Wowser Bowser create alluring tunes that meld '80s pop warmth with '00s experimentation." - Gabe Vodicka / Creative Loafing Atlanta

"You know how to get a crowd going? Balloons. Wowser Bowser knows that with a little hot air and some cheap pieces of plastic you can unleash the kid in everyone. As you playfully hit the balloons all over the venue that barrier comes down and once again you are a kid, dancing and singing along with the band. Over the past two years I have seen about 100 different acts take to the stage, but few come close to the enthusiasm, energy and dedication applied to their live shows. When the band wasn't up on stage jumping off their amps, they were venturing out into the crowd, staging interpretative dance competitions between sides of the crowd, having the time of their life all while wearing their festive costumes. It was Halloween and the band came prepared, forming a congruous union of a Big Mac hamburger, a tutu clad ballerina age 7, a large, headless penguin and even a member of Wowser Bowser, as the trumpet player went as himself.

Being outrageous stage personalities is one aspect of a great show, but they came with an amazing selection of music as well, including the amazing show closer "Water Story" which recently received the coveted "WUOG Song of the Day." Above all, what the band did best was to just showcase their unbridled enthusiasm and the fun they had during the show, excitement brimming from their eager smiles. I'm sure it is easy to lose this attitude after hundreds of shows but its an essential ingredient for live performance, a contagion that infects the crowd. How can you not be excited and want to dance when the lead singer turned hamburger runs out into the crowd, spins and hops around like a drunken karaoke-ist whilst belting out his vocals perfectly. Wowser Bowser may have been a surprise to the largely unaware Drunken Unicorn audience but I wouldn't be surprised if a few of the audience members walked away liking Wowser Bowser's set more than the headliner, the Drums. -Will Guerin / WUOG .

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