The Lost Domain | de

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There are multiple artists with this name:

1) The Lost Domain is an avant-folk / drone / jazz / free improv ensemble based in Brisbane, Australia. They have been active since the late 1980s, but due to virtually no promotion has remained in obscurity. With no labels even vaguely compatible in Brisbane, and none until recently in the rest of australia, and no overseas connections, it was easier just to concentrate on enjoying making music and release it in limited editions on their own shytone imprint. they figured that eventually their track record would speak for itself and with this release we’re definitely getting there. but if people just would have been able to hear the band’s epic folk/jazz improvisations earlier iam sure that they already would have a fan base of the same size as critically acclaimed outfits such as no neck blues band or jackie-o motherfucker.

2) The Lost Domain is a duo from UK, born as a collaboration between Paul McKenna and Paul Haynes, both ex-members of eighties indie band Intimacy, and both now solo artists in their own right. Their collaboration began in the early eighties and has continued on and off right up to the present. Avant-garde acousto-electronic ambient best describes their output so far with influences ranging from Brian Eno/Harold Budd, Stockhausen, Riley/Reich/Glass, and many others. They are currently releasing material through Massive Offence Records. .

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