The Broderick | de

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Melbourne, Australia

After a lengthy period of hibernation that led many to assume they’d long since called it a day, progressive hardcore outfit THE BRODERICK are back with their long-overdue, debut full-length, Free To Rot, Free Of Sin.
Writing for the release commenced more than eighteen months ago, with the group - consisting of Ash Denman on drums, guitars Marc Harpur and Steve Sousa, bassist Ben Meilak and Logan Fewster on vocals – splitting their time between Capital Sound in Adelaide and Viva Hate in their hometown of Melbourne to track the devastating, ten-song affair.

Mixing duties were handled by renowned studio whiz Matt Ellard (Radiohead, Converge, Weezer), while the mastering was overseen by Allan Douches, who has of course applied the finishing sheen to records from Every Time I Die, Blacklisted and Baroness (to name a few).

Since the release of 2008’s Illusion Over Despair EP, THE BRODERICK have further developed their slow-burning brand of metallic hardcore, as Free To Rot, Free Of Sin showcases the same kind of frenzied approach to the genre’s blueprint that has made boundary pushing acts like Coalesce and Turmoil so respected by both their fans and peers.

Taking their time to write and really hone in on the essence of their sound, THE BRODERICK have delivered one of the most challenging heavy releases of 2012, which according to guitarist Marc Harpur “resulted in an aggressive, sincere and matured record that we are extremely proud of.” .

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