Suzy Rock | de

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Suzy Rock def. rock-(Representer of Christ Kingdom) born Natalie Lauren Sims, has her eyes set on one thing only, and that's making sure that in ALL things God might be glorified through Jesus Christ (1Peter 4:11).

Raised in a struggling environment on the northside of Tulsa, Oklahoma Suzy developed a love for music at an early age. Seperated from God at that time Suzy began to pursue a desire for the art of Hip Hop, which would soon become her outlet or what she considered an escape from the unhappiness and dissapointments she faced at the time. It wasn' t until she was drawn to Christ by God (John 6:44) at the age of 14 and experienced the Power of God working within her that she received the Gift of SALVATION AND ETERNAL REDEMPTION.

Now 23 Suzy Rock shares the heart of God as revealed through His holy scriptures in effort to communicate to her culture who God our creator is and His expectations of believers as well as unbelievers. Music is now the vehicle that God has blessed Suzy with to drive the Gospel of Christ to the world.

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