Strap the Button | de

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Strap The Button is an experimentally minded musical collective based in Mid-Wales (sort of - perhaps a little more spread around at the moment), who play a progressive/psychedelic sort of instrumental music.

We have much fun when improvising but also when playing more structured bits and bobs. We enjoy it.

We were once associated with an Independent Nottingham based Record Label called Good Name for a Racehorse ( or The fine chaps at GNFaR released two of our records - "What Kind of Rat-Bastard Psychotic Would Play That Song Right Now at This Moment?" and "Going to Jib Choons (Choons for Going to Jib to Like innit)". These two albums comprise the first 2/3 of a trilogy, which will be completed with the release of "Well Cyber", which we're currently working on getting finished.

Unfortunately GNFaR died at somepoint early on in 2007, but was thankfully replaced by the fantabulous Records on Ribs (, from whom the afore mentioned albums can be downloaded for free. "Well Cyber" will join them, along with many more, in the (hopefully) not too far off future.

If you're interested in hearing some more Strap The Button sounds, you might like to have a look at, or even - you may find something you like.

Why not have a look...

Strap The Button

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