Sombre View | de

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The Swedish popband Sombre View started in 1993.
In the beginning the band consisted of four friends who shared an interest for melancholic, electronic popmusic. We were using a lot of strings and "floating" sounds which together with the violin, played by Anna, created the sound of Sombre View . The main influences at that time were bands like Depeche Mode and The Cure. The name " Sombre View " came up and just felt totally right for the music we were making - melancholic, sensitive and a little bit mysterious.

In the summer of -93 we recorded a five-track demotape. We had several positive reactions but despite of that we didn`t manage to get a record contract at first. But then, in the spring of -94, we did get in contact with the swedish label " October Records ".
It resulted in the participation (the songs " Invocation " and " Against the Tide ") in the collection " shot 2.0 " featuring some swedish electrobands. Finally in -95 we got to release our first single " Invocation ". A year later the album " As it fades again " was released in Sweden and Germany. We had some concerts in different cities of Sweden and experimented with our sound and performance.

A lot of things has happened since then and after a well-needed absence we began working fully on a new album " I Want To See The World Go Under " and in summer 2001 we stepped out of the studio with the second album in our hands. With help from producers we had created a new fresh sound that we believe is more attractive in this the new millenium. The German record company " Life is painful records " thought so too and on September the 28:th same year we celebrated the release of our album. We look forward to a long and creative cooperation with " Life is painful records " in the future.

Today Sombre View consists of three members:
Mattias: lead singer and composer.
Anna: voice and violin.
Magnus: keyboard and Sfx.


Alle Alben


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