Luis Coronel | de

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Luis Coronel (born Luis Miguel Coronel Gamez; February 3, 1996) is a musician, and singer-songwriter. Coronel was discovered by Angel Del Villar (a Chairman of the house record label) who worked with DEL Records who came across by Luis's videos on YouTube and social network. This young composer delights writing new songs, and is very excited because this May 28, 2013 will be released their first single "Mi Niña Traviesa" in iTunes and will be also playing by all the stations of the American Union. Contents 1 Early life, 2 Social Networks, 3 Influences 3.1 2013: Con la Frente en Alto, 3.2 Singles, , 4 References, Early lifeedit: Luis Miguel Coronel Gamez was born on February 3, 1996 in Tucson, Arizona His father is from Jalisciense origin and his mother Sonorense, he is the youngest of 3 brothers. His maternal grandfather or his "Tata "as the same calls it was one of the first people that inspired him to sing, since both interpreted topics in most family celebrations. His passion for music was born from a very small and it is that from the 6 years he remembers singing Christian themes in the church choir. "I went up and I learned the songs and the rushing sang well running" recalls this young man. Luis Coronel still remembers the first time that rose video to social networks, was about a year ago, when it was devoted to his other passion, boxing. Luis account who sang at his gym, after returning from a party and the video upload a bunch of people you commented on how well it sang, since nothing was ever the same again.He left the boxing and was left with the music of course completely without neglecting their preparatory studies which still exercises. Their concern by singing was growing by the day, when to pass the time more people extolling their musical themes and became their admirers, and was by means of its popularity in social networks, which its current record company OF THE Records he was discovered. Angel del Villar, chairman of the house record label, he knew right away the success that youth would have this revelation, and therefore not hesitate to give you an exclusivity contract in the long term, in addition a strong initial amount as a bonus. In these moments Luis Colonel is part of the tour of the United States of Banda El Recodo, Recoditos, and Gerardo Ortiz, the latter is precisely the great idol of Luis. Social Networksedit: Luis with barely 17 years of age is considered to be quite active in social networks, the majority of their songs the same the has risen to their different accounts currently has over 300 thousand followers in Facebook, 39 thousand in Instagram, more than 15 thousand on Twitter and its videos on YouTube have up to a million visits to name a few. Luis Coronel still remembers the first time that rose video to social networks, was about a year ago, when it was devoted to his other passion, boxing. Luis account who sang at his gym, after returning from a party and the video upload a bunch of people you commented on how well it sang, since nothing was ever the same again.He left the boxing and was left with the music of course completely without neglecting their preparatory studies which still exercises. Influencesedit: Luis even revealed that sang some songs of Ortiz as it is always stated fanatic of this.He still can believe that share the stage with these celebrities, and sounds with someday to be able to acquire the same level of popularity of them .His dream is to bring forward his family and become an astronaut, on completion of their studies, and be the first singer to interpret themes in space. 2013: Con la Frente en Altoedit: Coronel's album Con la Frente en Altocomes released on September 17, 2013 which featured hit singles Lo Mejor Que Me Ha Pasado, Tu Boca Me Hipnotiza and Mi Niña Traviesa. Singlesedit: "Mi Niña Traviesa" - Released May 28, 2013 .

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