Last Sons of Krypton | de

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"An intro for the Last Sons of Krypton interview," sez Sir Filthy. OK, Last Sons of Krypton - they were assholes. Wait - Last Sons of Krypton, easily the most hated band I've been within a couple hundred miles of. Last Sons of Krypton, no one liked them personally, but everyone loved their records. Seriously. If Roy Oden ran across Green Bay promoter Timebomb Tom, Tom would STILL kill him, many years after the fact. He told me that not long ago. But Tom owns all the records. Tom booked them time and time again back in the day, even though he knew every single show would end the same way - Tom will NEVER (this time, I swear) book those a-holes again.

We knew they were the real thing - pure teenage piss, hatred, vinegar and attitude. We all knew that the clowns onstage most nights liked to play the part, rip on the audience and have beers w/ 'em after the set. LSOK just played like it was 1977, cuz hell, 1977 never really happened in the tiny town of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. If they got beaten, they deserved it. It validated their outsider view, so fuck it. The live show was nothing but drunken antics, malfunctioning equipment and hatred. On the records (and piles of recordings they did), they stayed sober enough to hit notes and scoot rhythms and write hooks that ripped cerebellum holes that didn't heal for weeks. KBD authority Ryan Richardson said something backwhen that went sorta like this - "Last Sons of Krypton are the closest you can get to a Killed by Death band at this late a date." The same basic reference points, only this time fueled by tinytown boredom and the opressive loom of lockstep PC hardcore. I'm sure Roy at least has some nuggets for y'all, so read on...
-Todd Trickknee, Recording Industry Impresario .