Inside 2 Stoopid Triangles | de

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Formed with the sole intention of pissing people off, Inside 2 Stoopid Triangles was a punk rock band from Kathmandu, Nepal formed in early-2002 from the ashes of bands such as Malai Dogle Tokyo (rough translation: The Dog Bit Me) and 5th Grade Dropout. The early lineup of the band consisted of Anil on drums, Sushil on bass and Vishal on guitar, with all of them pitching in on vocals. After playing a few gigs with this lineup, Kshitiz (of Kottocks) joined as a vocalist and, thus, the lineup of one of the most offensive and controversial bands of the Nepalese underground scene was completed.

With a combined hatred for punk rock cliches, punk rock cliques and punk rock kids who pretend to be poor, Inside 2 Stoopid Triangles or i2St recorded their debut "Ke Bhako Timi?" in 2002. Few people got to hear this poorly recorded album (the entire album was recorded live on a mini disc). Early 2003 turned out to be a busy year for the band with a mini tour to Pokhara with good friends Albatross in January 2003, the recording of their sophomore effort "Chup Laga Timi" (yet another live album, this time in the studio) in February and one more trip to Pokhara with Albatross, Third World Chaos, Nastik and Brutal a few months later. June 2003 saw the band perform at the show, which they claim to be their favourite, Fistful Of Rock, where they were pelted with bottles and cigarette stubs after pissing off a hall full of metalheads.

By the end of the year, i2St were on a long hibernation. Kshitiz quit the band and left for the United States. The old lineup of the band resurfaced in mid-2004 with Vishal taking over vocal duties and played a few scattered shows.

2005 proved to be a pretty eventful year for the band. Earlier that year the members, with a few friends, were picked up from their practice pad by the police and made to spend an entire night in the local police station, for creating "excessive noise." Exactly 3 days later they recorded their 3rd album (and probably their last) titled "Insert Album Title Here." This was the first album to be released through Hamro Records Ramro Records, the record label owned by Vishal and Subel (of fellow punk rock band Morija), and surprisingly even garnered hit singles!

In mid-2006, i2st recorded the "Chokeslamming Children Is Fun" EP which is not available anywhere.

I2ST have currently broken up but they do plan to reform in 20 years if their official statement can be believed. "Thank you. We'll see you in 20 years when we do a reunion. Bring your kids and in-laws along. May you have pretty daughters for our handsome sons to check out. Or the other way 'round. Whatever. We'll play all our annoying songs then." .