Hysterese | de

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Review about the second Album by Tim PopKid on ibuywaytoomanyrecords.com:
As always, I trust the taste of the fine folks over at Dirt Cult records almost unconditionally. While I don't buy every single thing they put out, I feel like I pick up an awful lot of their records, and with reason. Especially in the world of catchy punk rock, their tastes line up with mine just fine.
Hysterese is a band from Germany that I hadn't really heard much about, but the description of their record in Dirt Cult's upcoming releases updates had me intrigued, so I decided to grab it. I am so glad I did as this is a real powerhouse of an album.
It's an interesting mix of styles as the band manages to incorporate elements of the Marked Men's two thousand mile an hour guitar riff insanity with a more intense tone. If you need another frame of reference, the band that I hear the most similarities to is Sedatives (minus the organ). It's a darker, serious punk album that doesn't shy away from big hooks. The alternating male/female vocals really give the songs a massive impact as the combo creates a huge, powerful sound.
Top to bottom this is simply a great record. If you can get into bands like The Estranged, Red Dons or Hot Snakes, this is record that should really be in your collection.

HYSTERESE from the suburbs of Stuttgart/Germany...sorry student-town Tübingen deliver a stunning debut album after a demo. This is a beautiful mix of common and popular Portland and Sweden-styled punk-rock, in the vein of MASSHYSTERI, GORILLA ANGREB, THE OBSERVERS or IDLE HANDS.

from dancingtoarchitecture.de: "Besonders spannend bei ihnen finde ich ja diesen männlich/weiblich Gesang: während der/die eine fleissig herumgiftet, singt der/die andere eine verlangsamte Melodie im Hintergrund. Was die dadurch aus den Songs rausholen ist wirklich Wahnsinn. Man denke ein wenig an Fucked Up gepaart mit Sleater-Kinney. Der Bassist steht immer noch mit dem Rücken zum Publikum, brüllt aber fleißig mit, wenn es drauf ankommt. Scheint halt etwas schüchtern zu sein. Oder er kann sich so besser mit dem Schlagzeuger abstimmen. Was weiss ich. Tut der Sache jedenfalls keinen Abbruch. Für mich sind Hysterese auf jeden Fall live und auf Platte eine der besten Bands, die man sich zur Zeit geben kann."

terminalescape says: "Melodic garage punk with fukkn teeth, I love it. I know a lot of my friends really dig THE MARKED MEN, and Germany's HYSTERESE kinda remind me of that, but faster and way punker. They also remind me of THE SOVIETTES, who I also love (it might just be the female backing vox, though I think it's something more), but they are also punker than that." .

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