Congratulations | de

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There are at least two bands that currently go under the name Congratulations:

1. "CONGRATULATIONS are the up and coming Canadian emo-rock/screamo band. These 4 dudes also play in Life In Vacuum and New Wings and reside in the Kitchener/Waterloo area of Ontario. If Desaparecidos, Bright Calm Blue, Indian Summer and Birthday Boyz were put into a blender, it might end up sounding like this. Their material has a lot of variety and for a new band this stuff is fucking unreal." - Zegema Beach Records

2. Congratulations is a four piece band from Olympia, Washington. The group consists of Jordan Ingram on piano and lead vocals, Abigail Ingram on bass guitar and backing vocals, Matt Buscher on guitar, and Chad Austinson on drums. The band has been described as "moody indie rock with occasional meanderings into jazz and country, jumbling it all together and spitting forth a sound uniquely their own". Jordan had moved to Olympia in 2003 and had been playing in various groups, gaining his footing not only as a piano player but as a songwriter as well. Jordan and Chad had met while working together in the Waxfire. After the band split to pursue other creative endeavors, Jordan and Chad continued playing just to get through the gloomy Olympia winter. Jordan asked his sister Abigail, whom he had played music with since they were kids, to play bass with them and Congratulations was born. After a year or so, they started talking about recording the songs they had been kicking around in their heads. Matt Buscher of Romanteek and sound engineer of Neanderhall Studios approached them and offered to record them, so, in the winter of 2008, they hit the studio. Under Matt's meticulous eye to sound quality and attention to details, the group was able to put down eight tracks on their self titled LP and he later joined the band.

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