Christoph Heemann | de

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Christoph Heemann first came to attention in the mid '80s as a member of German post industrial noise outfit, Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa (or H.N.A.S..), which roughly translates as Moose Without a Sofa. Originally conceived as a duo with Achim P. Li Khan, H.N.A.S built upon the studio collage and cut-up recording techniques of dada informed projects like Nurse With Wound (whose Steven Stapleton contributed to and released the '86 album "Melchior" on his United Dairies label) and Zoviet France. Though largely dismissive of most of the output of his first group, Heeman regards the 1987 release "Im Schatten Der Möhre" as the pinnacle of their recorded career. Since then Heemann has released a variety of solo recordings and worked with a who's who list of the expermental underground--including but not limited to Jim O'Rourke, Ed Ka-Spel and Silverman (both of the Legendary Pink Dots) as Mimir, Current 93's David Tibet, Merzbow, The Aeolian String Ensemble, Tony Conrad, Organum, and more recently with Andrew Chalk and Andreas Martin (also a former H.N.A.S. contributor) as Mirror, whose albums are considered some of the most hallowed (and limited) releases of minimal ambient music in the '00s. His music has been released all over the world on dozens of labels, including his own still operating Streamline. More recently Heemann can been heard in collaboration with Timo van Luijk as In Camera. .

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