Albatrosh | de

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Albatrosh is quite a rare species. A two-headed creature with an impressive wingspan. It utilizes the wind optimally and with its dynamic, efficient flight, it has exceptional reach. It is fearless of other species, and would love to invite you to its nest.

Albatrosh consists of saxophonist André Roligheten and pianist Eyolf Dale, two critically acclaimed jazz musicians. They grew up together in Skien, Norway, and started playing music together at an early age. Since the official the formal birth of their band in 2006, the duo has played concerts all over the world, including at major festivals. Their fifth album, ”Night Owl”, was released by Rune Grammofon internationally in January 2015.

The music of Albatrosh is based on strong compositions in perfect harmony with seamlessly integrated improv. Many years of close collaboration allows the duo to interact unafraid of beauty, unafraid of the abstract – without ever losing track of the goal. The signature of the duo is a perfect smoothie of detailed sounds blended into unique and original expression. Their previous duo album, “Yonkers” (2011), received unequivocal international critical acclaim:

“Both players are formidable improvisers” –The Guardian,

“Märchenhaft verwunschene Töne in den hohen Lagen des Saxophons, innige Verschlingungen und Selbstbehauptungswille: ein über allen regionalen Zuordnungen schwebendes Meisterwerk.” – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (DE)

“Their intuitive chemistry lifts the album to another plane” - New York Times

“Ihre Dialoge können noch so verstiegen sein, sie verlieren nie den Bezug zum Diesseits. Albatrosh sind zugleich out und doch jeden Augenblick in.” – JAZZthing (DE)

“A formidable act of seemless interplay. This album is sensational, to say the least, both compositionally, improvisationally and instrumentally.” – Dagbladet, 6/6

Albatrosh in concert is something out of the ordinary; a gliding journey through the aural and musical universe, where anything is possible – yet everything combines seamlessly! .

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