マカロニ | en

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マカロニ (full name: 人型奇形破裂音楽隊マカロニ -Hitogata kikei haretsu ongaku-tai MACARONI / Deformed human type explosion band MACARONI-, later renamed to リョウキタンテイシャマカロニ/ Ryouki tantei-sha MACARONI / Bizarre-hunting detective agency MACARONI-.. but most of the time they went just as マカロニ) was a band formed by Eiji after カルト歌謡歌劇団キュウピィ.
The members were:
エイジ・ヴィンセント (Eiji Vincent) - vocals
サトミ・モンロー (Satomi Monroe) - guitar
ミサキ・アルコール (Misaki Alcohol) - bass
ダイ・ヴィシャス (Dai Vicious) - drums

Before Dai, there was a drummer called コウジ・ダーティ (Kouji Dirty).

MACARONI formed around 2001 and disbanded in 2004, but immediately, Eiji and Dai form a new band: 秘密結社コドモA.
Satomi then joined Kouji's band, S,U,S.

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