אלון אולארצ'יק | en

Was born in Poland by the name of Alec Rosenfeld.

In 1956 his family moved to Israel.

In 1968 joined the army.

Served in the military band - the Nahal (Lahakat Hanahal).

Played the bass guitar.
In the band he met Gidi Gov, Danny Sanderson, Meir (Poogy) Fenigstein and Efraim Shamir.

In 1971, after released from the army, moved to London.

When Danny Sanderson moved to London too, they wrote a symphony to an orchestra and a rock band.
They had no luck getting a contract, and after Danny moved back to Israel, Alon moved too.
In 1973 he joined 'Kaveret'.

The band was signed by Aberaham Deshe (Pashanel).

On November 1973 the album 'Poogy Tales' was released.

In 1974 'Kaveret' participated in the Eurovision contest with the song 'I Gave Her My Life'.
The album 'Poogy In A Pitah' was released.

In 1975 the album 'Crowded In The Ear' was released.

In 1976 Kaveret moved to the USA and toured.
Kaveret split up.

Moved with Meir Fenigstein to Los Angeles and studied music in Berkly University.
In 1984 returned to Israel.
'Kaveret' reunited and toured.
An album documenting that tour was released.
In 1985 released his first solo album 'Oleartchik'.
In 1988 released the album 'Sha'ashuei Keilu'.
In 1990 'Kaveret' reunited again. The show was called 'Kaveret Returns'.
A film called 'Kaveret - Pictures From The Band's Life' was made by Zvi Shissel.

In 1993 released the album 'Tell Me What You Feel'.
In 1995, on November 12th, in a concert in honor of assassinated prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, all kaveret's members but Meir appeared together on stage and performed an acoustic version of 'Little Kingdom'.
In 1996 released the album 'Let's Say I'm Yours'.
In 1998 released the album 'Alon Oleartchik With Barak Hanoch' which consisted of acoustic remakes of his famous songs.