Tim Neumark | en

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(From his website, https://timneumark.com/)
Tim composes solo piano music that is "emotional, beautiful music that tells a story." Featuring a combination of classical and new age styles, he has released six solo piano albums. Tim was born and raised in the Mid-Atlantic, spending much of his youth in Frostburg, Maryland. In his childhood and early adulthood his foremost passion was athletics, and he participated in baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer, and track. He also developed a taste for classical and new age music in his teenage years, but it wasn't until his later high school years that he discovered his talent for the piano. For years, Tim travelled the country for work, frequently playing his own compositions in hotel lobbies. At the urging of his wife and others, he finally released his debut CD in 2007. His newest album, Moments, was released in 2015. He also regularly gives public performances. Tim currently lives with his wife and two daughters in the Washington, DC area. .

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